Wednesday, December 29, 2010


       I am Linda.After introducing MAYDAY,today I will talk about the vocalist-Ashin.He was born on Dec,6,1975.He is not only a music composer but also an auther.

         His legal name is Chen Hsin-hung.Ashin has exceptional talent towards both music and art.Even thouth he majored in art during high school and college,he started his career as a musician after graduating from college.

      In 2007,Ashin and his high school buddy No2good designed the new clothing lineSTAY REALin Taiwan.There are 5 stores in Taiwan.Two are in HK.One is in上海.Its theme in different season is variable.such as cartoonSnoopy,Hello Kelly,Doraemon〉,classical,amazement and so on.

 The most popular logal is Stay Real Mouse.

         In my opinion,the price is little expensive,but it can make me feel comfortable.Its design has interest and a little fashion style.So Stay Real has been popular among teenagers ever since it came out.
           On July,2010,Stay Real and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts held an special exhibition which was called Revolution of Evolution.It performed mainly one thing that art and rock can mix together wonderfully.



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